Saturday, July 23, 2011

Teacher, Student or Both?

We haven't posted anything recently for we wanted the last blog piece to stay on the blog for awhile because of its importance.

However, we will be posting a series of articles to help you understand how spiritual teachings can make a difference in your life and how to apply them in order to change your life. Without understanding that there is a practical value for you on a day to day level, why spend the time reading this blog and or doing the homework? Our constant commitment is to teach you how to become a conscience co-creator, practically and tangibly.

What does becoming a co-creator mean and why would you want to take on that responsibility? How much do you take responsibility for? These teachings help you see more clearly what is within your control, what you are creating and why. As an example, how often do you feel like you are the victim of something or someone? What if the belief that you are a victim opens you up to similar situations. What if, "To the degree that one is in perception of oneself, is the degree that one creates", is true, literally? What does that mean? What if you believe you are a victim and that belief stirs fear. That fear then becomes a co-creating influence in your life, bringing or magnetizing to you more situations that feel like abuse, as an example.

We know these words aren't new to you, however, the tools and techniques are pertinent now, because of the level of understanding you all hold. That is the difference. You are now realizing more and more that what is outside of you is a direct reflection of your own internal belief system.

This series will be about a process, so please be patient with each step. Take your time, this will encourage "experiential" levels of awareness, so again, please take your time. We will include homework so be prepared to take a moment from your busy day, we promise we won't take too long.

Why is the homework important? Because experiential awareness is important. Without having any personal experiences or understanding of what is being discussed, it would be hard to relate to what we are speaking about. So for example, if you had never seen the color green—how could you understand what we mean when we say the grass is so green and healthy? You couldn't. So we then say that the teachings or understandings just stay as a concept—you understand the thought or teaching, but the understanding doesn't hold the same value or importance to you unless you have an experience of it, i.e. you won't appreciate the significance of green representing healthy grass.


1. Think of something you do well. Try to write out an explanation of what you do well to a one year old. Try to go into detail and explain it fully. Watch what emotions arise within you, how does it feel to try to get your point across? Write about those emotions.

 2. Write as though you are the one year old trying to learn from you the adult. Watch what emotions arise within you, and write about them.

You are very rarely only a teacher or only a student, most of the time you will see you are both. Watch how you shift from one to the other throughout your day. Write about this shifting back and forth. Notice, is there any conflict or judgment about becoming more of one than the other? Is there any conflict or judgment about discovering who you are, the student or the teacher? In other words, are any of your feelings related to trying to define who you are suppose to be? Or who you think you should be? Is there any judgment? Play with this for awhile. See what comes up and please write about any perceived resistances. Write about any uncomfortable feelings, and why they are uncomfortable. Then write about any judgment you are experiencing and describe the judgment. 
Ask yourselves, what does this judgmental voice feel like to me, who does it remind me of and how old do I feel?

Sit with this for awhile, keep your notes and after one week, please reflect back onto what you wrote and see if you have any new  insights arising. Write about those new insights, if any. If not, then briefly write a synopsis of what you have learned or observed.

We will post within two weeks the next phase to this step-by-step process of self-realization. Our intention with this process is to help you identify and understand how you hold yourselves back from creating consciously and clearly. If you are blocked by any emotions or judgmental beliefs, how can you trust what you are experiencing or "feeling"? How will you know what is real or what is an illusion? 
How can you trust your own internal "guidance"? How can you be successful in your endeavors?

Watch for our next posting within the next two weeks. This will give you an opportunity to sit with this process for awhile.


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